How is the World Different because your organization exists? – Sâkêwêwak Artists’ Collective Inc.

Adam Martin, Executive Director Sâkêwêwak, bravely answered SAA's question “How is the World Different because your organization exists?” He noted: Sâkêwêwak offers: Opportunity to Indigenous artists Gallery/workshop…

2016 Arts Congress Presenters

Performers + Speakers

Congress Travel Bursary

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance has a limited number of travel bursaries available to professional artists residing in Saskatchewan on a first-come first-served basis. Professional artists are eligible for travel bursaries to assist in…

Bring Out Your Dead! (Better yet, bring out your artists)

(Opinion piece by Kelley Jo Burke, SAA president, but trust me…this is just from me…..)I have a friend who’s one of the true Eeyores of the world…gloomy by nature, and proud of it. So when the new year began with the dollar plunging…

Making space for Saskatoon artists: artSpace eyes the bus barns

Saskatoon has a thriving, vibrant arts community, but it's missing purpose-built, dedicated makerspace, and artSpace aims to change that. Ashleigh Mattern is a Saskatoon-based writer, editor, and entrepreneur. She has been working…

SAA Seeks 2016 Arts Congress Coordinator

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance (SAA) is seeking to contract an Arts Congress Coordinator to organize the 2016 Arts Congress. The Coordinator will work closely with the Arts Congress Organizing Committee and SAA staff to organize the Congress…

Is Tradition Limiting Music Education?

The musical tree has many branches and it's up to those who are passionate about each branch to keep it vibrant and alive. Allen McWilliams is a music teacher with Regina Public Schools. He is in his thirteenth year of teaching.…

News Release October 2015

SAA Introduces New Board of Directors

I’m in the Arts

Show us your love for the arts!

My Music Education – Outside of Tradition

By looking at forms of music education outside traditional models such as those created through technology, an understanding of music is increased.  Chris Merk, also known as Merky Waters, is a Regina Saskatchewan based Hip-Hop producer,…

Election ARTS: Platforms and Candidates

Election ARTS: Platforms and Candidates What makes you the best suited for the job of prime minister? For the last 10 weeks, Canada’s federal leaders have been interviewing for the nation’s top job. The Globe and mail asked the…