Creative Industries Consultations – Details Announced

The Government of Saskatchewan provided details of the consultation process for the creative industries announced earlier this year. The consultations are to engage people and businesses involved in commercial production of creative products…

SAA Bulletin – July 2012

Three Studies on the Creative Industries

2012 Arts Congress

Friday, May 4th

2012 Arts Congress

Saturday, May 5

2012 Arts Congress

2012 Arts Congress Summary

The Arts and Our Quality of Life

The Multiple Benefits of the Arts to Our Communities

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Saskatchewan Arts Alliance

Provincial Government Spending on the Arts and Culture in Saskatchewan in 09/10

This report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

Congress Program

2012 Arts Congress: Matters of Engagement Friday, May 4th The Artesian ~ 2627 13th Avenue (Angus & 13th Ave), Regina 11:00 a.m. Registration, Coffee & Networking Congress packages will be available for registrants. Pre-registration is…

Congress Travel Bursary

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance has a limited number of travel bursaries available to professional artists on a first-come first-served basis. Professional artists are eligible for travel bursaries to assist in out-of town travel costs…

Congress Bursary

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance has a limited number of travel bursaries available to professional artists on a first-come first-served basis. Artists who are professional are eligible for travel bursaries to assist in out-of town travel…

SAA Bulletin – March 2012

2012 - 2013 Provincial Budget