Greet your candidates with some artistic questions.

The provincial election is November 7th. We've prepared a door-step kit with information on the arts and questions for candidates.

Questions for Candidates

The SAA's November election door-step kit with information on the arts and questions for candidates.

Every day is Culture Day: show that the arts are important to you.

SAA has 4 slogan designs for you to download and print.

SAA Bulletin – October 2011

October 2011 In this issue… We’ve moved Election 2011: interviews with leaders on arts and creative industries New door step kits, decals and buttons Tweet about the arts this election Button Bee has people buzzing at Culture Days 2011 SAA…

Cultural Industries “Community of Interest” Consultation: Final Report

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This consultation report delves into the what "Community of Interest" designation means and how to administer it in a way that is best for arts communities.

Provincial Government Spending on the Arts and Culture in Saskatchewan in 08/09

This report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

Voice Your View Survey

A survey to gather the opinions of members of Saskatchewan's arts and cultural industries community.

SAA Bulletin – April 2011

Election 2011 - Canadian Arts and Culture

SAA Bulletin – March 2011

2011 ? 2012 Provincial Budget

SAA Bulletin – December 2010

SAA Bulletin - December 2010

The Menace of Measurement: A discussion about arts indicators

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SAA commissioned Marnie Badham to write a position paper on arts metrics. The Abstract and Executive Summary are posted on this website. For a copy of the complete report, please contact the SAA.

Text of letter from Premier Wall to the SAA.

June 30, 2010 Cynthia Dyck President Saskatchewan Arts Alliance 205A -2314 11th Avenue REGINA SK S4P OK1 Dear Ms. Dyck: Thank you for your letter of June 3, 2010, in which you express concern on behalf of the delegates of…