New Cultural Policy for Saskatchewan Released

March 17, 2010

Saskatchewan’s new cultural policy Pride of Saskatchewan: A Policy Where Culture, Community and Commerce Meet sets out a framework to guide government’s development and investment in culture. It calls for the collaboration of those who have a role in the culture sector to implement the plan.

In the coming months, the Ministry of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport plans to:

  • “work with organizations and communities to use the policy as a planning tool;
  • implement The Arts Professions Act;
  • continue to support Culture on the Go, Creative Industry Growth and Sustainability program and Building Pride;
  • research best practices to strengthen the sector;
  • develop outcome measurements to gauge progress and report on success; and
  • work with other ministries to implement the policy across government.”

Information on the development of Pride of Saskatchewan can be found in Moving from Reflection to Action: Towards a Cultural Policy for Saskatchewan.