SAA Spring Arts Gathering 2023


The basics – what you need to know:

Who is this gathering for? Artists, arts administrators, arts supporters and anyone else who wants to join in on the discussion!

When is it? Save the Date! Join the SAA and community on May 18, 2023, for a morning session and an afternoon session:

Morning Session (9:00am – 11:30 am)

What Are We Doing? – Radical Thinking About Non-Profit Governance

Afternoon Session (1:00 pm – 3:00 pm)

Sâkitawâhk – where the rivers meet: Collaborations, individuals, and Decolonizing the Arts

What is the format? Online panel discussions via Zoom. ASL interpretation and closed captions will be provided. 

* Although online, this event will also be a soft launch of in-person networking events throughout the province throughout the year – we want to get people back into art spaces!

Panels and Panelists: Read more here!

How much does it cost? Nothing! This programming is being offered free of charge. In addition, we have a limited number of honorariums of $300 to provide to independent artists, arts administrators and historically underrepresented folks. More details are available in the registration form. 

How to register? To register and apply for the honorarium, use the online registration form:

The Details:

On May 18, 2023, the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance (SAA) invites artists, arts administrators, and arts supporters to join in a day of online discussion and professional development. The day will centre on two main themes, reimaging non-profit governance and understanding how to take action toward decolonizing institutions while caring for collaborators.

Exciting public thinkers, artists and administrators will guide discussions and challenge perceptions about governance and decolonization in the arts in Saskatchewan and beyond. 

The first panel, led by renowned playwright, director, dramaturg and scholar Yvette Nolan, features exciting guest contributors. What Are We Doing? – Radical Thinking About Non-Profit Governance will explore what we do with our arts organizations and how our governance models serve or hinder the work. The panel will consider if it is possible to create new models that will allow us to stop going through the motions of board-led governance. Join a panel of public thinkers who are imagining new ways forward. 

A second panel, entitled Sâkitawâhk – where the rivers meet: Collaborations, individuals, and Decolonizing the arts will focus on how crucial feedback is when evaluating programs centring on an anti-colonial agenda. Join artists from the 2023 Storytellers annual festival in conversation with Sâkêwêwak’s Artistic Director, Holly Aubichon. This conversation and panel discussion will further your understanding of alternative methodologies and ways to show care for your collaborators and take action toward decolonizing the arts. 

How to pronounce: Sâkitawâhk (saw-g/k -id-ah-wahk)

Read more about the amazing panelists here!

The SAA is also sponsoring several in-person networking events in partnership with arts organizations around the province in various locations (Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Weyburn, North Battleford, Prince Albert, etc.) These events will provide an important chance to connect with people in your local arts community. Please stay tuned for an announcement with further details about the in-person networking events as they are announced.

Honorariums to Attend

The SAA values the time of our community members, and to recognize this, we invite you to apply for an honorarium when you register if you would benefit from it. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that everyone who applies for the honorarium will receive one. 

We are prioritizing Saskatchewan-based, independent artists, self-employed people, partially employed people and people who belong to historically underrepresented groups, identified through a confidential, voluntary self-declaration during registration.

You will be notified if you are selected to receive an honorarium no later than May 12, 2023. Honorariums will be paid via e-transfer, after May 18th unless other arrangements are required. If you have questions or concerns about the honorariums, please contact SAA ED, Em Ironstar, at