Music is Life

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein loved music. “Life without music is inconceivable for me,” Einstein said. “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get most joy in life out of music.” The benefits of music follow us throughout our entire lives:

Music incorporated into routines and play in the early years of childhood has a positive influence on a child’s early development.

Music triggers parts of the brain dealing with memories and emotions. Research has found that listening to music activated multiple parts of the brain in addition to the auditory cortex.

Music has no language barrier. It is something that brings people together regardless of ethnicity or background.

Music training earlier in life and throughout one’s life can offset or outright avoid hearing loss as we age.

Music preserves and strengthens the brain.

Don’t believe us? In the words of a professional:

Music is no luxury BUT it is a necessity, and it has the capability beyond anything else to restore our brain – the entire brain. Being we know one such element of developing brain health and preventing several more anxieties and stressors, it is incumbent to do all we can to develop music early in our children an youth.

Dr. Devin Seghers, Psychologist.


Aging and Music – 9 Health Benefits of Music.

Aging and Music – How Listening to Music Can Have Psychological Benefits.

Children and Music: Benefits of Music in Child Development

New Research Shows How Music Lessons During Childhood Benefit the Brain for a Lifetime.

Study finds live classical music has huge emotional benefits for children.

New Research Shows How Music Lessons During Childhood Benefit the Brain for a Lifetime.