SAA on the Radio: Decreased Funding to the Arts
Advocacy, NewsCheck out our Executive Director, Em Ironstar, talk numbers on The Afternoon Edition.
While the Saskatchewan Party says it's posted record numbers on its budget documents, that doesn't hold true for arts. Instead, that funding has dropped…

Response Letter: Proposed Cuts to Canadian Heritage & Canada Council for the Arts
Advocacy, NewsOpen Letter to Ministers St-Onge, Freeland and Anand on the proposed cuts to Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council for the Arts
The SAA was recently a contributor to and signatory of an Open Letter from the Canadian Arts Coalition regarding…

2024-25 Provincial Budget: Classrooms, Care, & Communities
Advocacy, NewsSAA's Response
2024-25 Provincial Budget: Classrooms, Care, & Communities
On March 20, 2024, the Honourable Donna Harpauer, Minister of Finance, delivered the 2024–25 Provincial Budget: Classrooms, Care, & Communities. The provincial…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Twenty-one
Advocacy, Artists in Saskatchewan, Arts Everywhere, NewsHonouring the Past and Cultivating Inclusivity in the Arts with Floyd Favel
Floyd Favel, is a culture worker from the Poundmaker Cree Nation, whose expertise in the arts is as profound as the heritage he carries. Floyd takes us on a journey…

SAA Online Resource
Advocacy, Arts Education, News, ResourcesLet‘s Celebrate Music Education!
The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance has created this online advocacy resource on the benefits of music. We created it because we know that music education is vital to a well-rounded education, fostering creativity,…

SAA Summary: Statistics Canada’s quarterly report for national culture & sport indicators
Advocacy, Arts Spending + Policy, News, Quick Facts, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsAt the beginning of January, The Daily, the media outlet for Statistics Canada released their quarterly report for national culture & sport indicators. This report documents recent changes in GDP & jobs in the culture & sport industries.…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Eighteen
Advocacy, Arts Everywhere, NewsStatistically Speaking
Meet Ariana Malthaner, the research lead with the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance. Ariana, unveils how her path led her from the intricacies of Old Irish linguistics to becoming a formidable advocate for the arts in…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Seventeen
Advocacy, Arts Everywhere, NewsDon’t forget the joy
Tia Furstenberg is a South African transplant making waves in the Canadian prairies with her art studio and her commitment to nurturing local talent in Prince Albert, Tia shares her initial steps into the world…

CEBA Repayment Extension Request
Advocacy, NewsJanuary 15, 2024
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Email: chrystia.freeland@fin.gc.ca
Dear Hon. Chrystia Freeland:
On January 18th, 2024, the federal government will enforce…

What’s so important about recreational adult performance dance?
Advocacy, News, Op-EdsWe tend to associate formal performance dance training with children or professional adults. But each year, more and more adults are falling in love with performance dance training as a hobby and a lifestyle. However, many adult dancers are…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Fifteen
Advocacy, Arts Spending + Policy, NewsDecoding the Complexities of Arts Funding with Jeremy Morgan
With a wealth of experience under his belt, this episodes guest, Jeremy Morgan gives us an insider's perspective on the growth and development of major arts and heritage organizations.…

Economic Impact of Arts Organizations Funded by SK Arts
Advocacy, News, Resources, SAA ReportsAs part of the SAA's ongoing efforts to advocate for increased funding to SK Arts, we undertook an investigation into the economic impact of the arts organisations funded by SK Arts, and have sent this report to Minister Ross. It is our hope…

Amended SAA Bylaws
Advocacy, NewsIn February 2023, the SAA Board of Directors met to review and modernize the organization’s bylaws, which were last reviewed over 20 years ago. There are several amendments that were approved by the membership at the September 2023 AGM; they…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Thirteen
Advocacy, NewsLeadership, Dedication & Innovation
Breanne Harmon is dedicated to a life in the arts, and her work has been rewarded with the prestigious recognition of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal for work in the community. She'll…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Twelve
Advocacy, NewsThe Dense Jungle of Bureaucracy
Patrick Close is active as a practicing artist, and like many artists, devoted a great deal of his career to arts administration. He has been a key voice within many of Canada's arts organizations and has…

Stormy Weather
Advocacy, Op-Edsby Mark Turner
In five short days, our friends and colleagues at the Kitchener Waterloo Symphony (KWS) went from canceling a season to filing for bankruptcy and ceasing operations. And only a few weeks ago, ArtSpace in Toronto announced it…

Part Three: Solutions to Precarity in the Arts
Advocacy, Artists in Saskatchewan, News, Studies & FactsAn Overview of the Increased Need for Education, Advocacy, and Sustainability for Independent Contractors in the Arts after the Pandemic.
Edith Skeard for the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance
Solutions to Precarity in the Arts – Advocacy…

Music through a Lifetime
Advocacy, Quality of Life, Quick Facts, Resources, Studies & FactsMusic is Life
Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein loved music. “Life without music is inconceivable for me,” Einstein said. “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get most joy in life out of music.” The…