The Arts Engage

Infographic about the popularity of art in Saskatchewan.

The Arts Empower

Infographic about the importance of art to get youth ready for life.

Arts Facts Postcards

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SAA Postcards with easily digestible arts facts for your everyday advocacy needs!

Arts Build Brains

Infographic about the importance of the arts for brain health.

Art Works – Listen to Dis

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Listen to Dis’ community-based programming offers opportunities for participants to immerse themselves in the creation and production of various forms of theatre art, regardless of their physical abilities. This article was written by Wanda Schmöckel. 

Art Works – Sâkêwêwak Artists’ Collective

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At Regina’s Performing Arts Centre, Sâkêwêwak Artists’ Collective’s new shared gallery space shows work by First Nations artists in recognition of Canada’s 150th, a difficult anniversary for many Indigenous people. In the auditorium, an interdisciplinary panel speaks to the thorny question of cultural appropriation.

Guaranteed Annual Income for Artists? For All?

Guaranteed Annual Income for Artists and Writers? For All? (Note: the term Artist includes Writer in this article. In most legislation. Writers, though, do not always recognize themselves as Artists. So for you writers out there, you are…

Art Works – New Dance Horizons’ Pelican Project

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New Dance Horizons’ Pelican Project will be travelling to Vancouver to create a procession with the theme of the great blue heron.

SAA Research Memo on Canada’s Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2016 (estimates)

Canada’s Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2016 (estimates) and revised 2010-to-2014 provincial and territorial culture indicators.

Art Works – Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative: Film Camp

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For March 2018 SAA features the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative’s Film Camp which will be held this year from July 9th to 13th in Regina.  Registration will officially open in April but the Filmpool staff will take names and answer questions regarding the camp all year long. Last summer Ken Wilson wrote the following piece for SAA on the Filmpool Film Camp.

Fine Arts and Arts Education Resources at Saskatchewan Universities 2018 Update

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This report documents changes in fine arts and arts education resources in the province's universities from approximately 2001 to 2017. It updates and complements the SAA's similar reports of 2015 and 2014.

Art Works – Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra

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SAA Art Works - January 2018 Art Works - Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra By Dave Margoshes When it comes to highbrow arts, symphonic music is right up there at the top with opera and ballet. And in these Trumpian times, when the lowest…

Art Works – Art Gallery of Swift Current

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Beyond enhancing quality of life, and bringing economic benefits to the region, the Art Gallery of Swift Current helps local people learn to celebrate their way of life. At the 2017 Canada Day opening of the Art Gallery of Swift Current, Director and Curator Kim Houghtaling guided the crowd through the artists’ works - each a small slice of Canada 150.

Art Works – Rosthern Station Arts Centre

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In operation for more than twenty-five years, the centre delivers plays in the summer (thirty-five shows in the 160-seat theatre) plus music, arts exhibits and various other cultural programs year-round.