Diana Tegenkamp
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsUp-and-coming filmmaker working the best in the biz.
Yvette Moore
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsVision and Resolve Makes Success for Yvette Moore
Roger Jerome
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsA Humble Painter of the North
Linda Duvall
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsUsing Technology to enable community
Yuka Yamaguchi
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsAt Play at Art
Saskatchewan Status Act? What does the Act do?
Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Status of the Artist, Studies & FactsLearn about the importance of Status of the Artist for the arts sector, as well as how it functions as a piece of legislation and how the government enacts it.
Collective Rights for the Cultural Sector
Artists in Saskatchewan, Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Status of the Artist, Studies & FactsThis article provides an introduction to collective rights and, specifically, collective bargaining rights. It discusses the benefits and the complexities of legislating collective rights.
Business and the Arts Case Study #6
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsTheatre Saskatchewan
Business and the Arts Case Study #5
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsStation Arts Centre and the Saskatchewan Valley News
Business and the Arts Case Study #4
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsSaskatchewan Book Awards
Business and the Arts: Case Study #3
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsNew Dance Horizons
Business and the Arts: Case Study #2
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsNess Creek Music Festival
Business and the Arts: Case Study #1
Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsArt Gallery of Swift Current
Robert Currie
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & FactsA Catalyst for Saskatchewan Writing
Celebrating Saskatchewan Artists
Artists in Saskatchewan, SAA Reports, Stories of the Art, Studies & Factsa book by Steven Ross Smith
Action Plan Proposal to the Government of Saskatchewan for the Arts Sector
Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Status of the Artist, Studies & FactsThis 2005 plan is presented by the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance as steps for immediate action that will bring concrete meaning to artist equity proposals and coherence to arts policy.
Quick Facts
Artists in Saskatchewan, Arts Organizations, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsA selection of facts about the arts and culture sector.
Status of the Artist – Where Are We?
Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Status of the Artist, Studies & FactsAn update on Status of the Artist developments and SAA's position.