Kelsey Ford (she/her/elle)
UncategorizedKelsey Ford is a Canadian artist and printmaker working out of Saskatoon, SK, on Treaty 6 Territory. She received her B.F.A. Honors with a minor in French from the University of Saskatchewan in 2019. Kelsey works primarily in serigraphy but…

Arts Everywhere: Episode 11
Events, News, UncategorizedNBYXE: One Sleepless Night
Since 2014 Saskatoon residents and visitors have been “taking it to the street”, in an arts treasure hunt throughout various communities in the city, under the cover of night.
Em Ironstar is…

Part One: Contract Labour and Saskatchewan’s Creative Ecology.
Advocacy, Artists in Saskatchewan, News, Op-Eds, Studies & Facts, UncategorizedAn Overview of the Increased Need for Education, Advocacy, and Sustainability for Independent Contractors in the Arts after the Pandemic.
Edith Skeard for the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance
In Saskatchewan, independent…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Ten
Advocacy, News, Uncategorized
Transformed through Indigenous performance
Jennifer Dawn Bishop thought maybe she’d grow up to be an all-star basketball player or perhaps a dress designer. But a school theatre presentation in grade 8 (Circle of voices playhouse)…

Creating, Connecting: Studio Without Walls Program
Advocacy, Events, News, UncategorizedWho doesn’t like to get mail—the good kind—not bills and flyers, but something surprising or even inspiring? That notion guided artist Carey Rigby-Wilcox, who lives in Pike Lake, when she was designing what became the Happy Mail Kits—art…

Take Part: Provincial Wide Survey on the Current State of the Arts
Events, News, UncategorizedThe SAA is working to get a sense of the current state of the arts in Saskatchewan. As part of our Saskatchewan Arts Research Project (SARP), we are asking both artists and the general public about their experience and engagement with and within…

Making Art in the Middle of Nowhere – Challenges of being a Rural Artist
News, Op-Eds, UncategorizedMaking Art in the Middle of Nowhere - Challenges of being a Rural Artist
Art can be made everywhere. But being an artist also involves being a part of a community, exposing oneself to new ideas and other forms of art and expression, and receiving…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Eight
Advocacy, News, Uncategorized
Check out our latest Arts Everywhere Podcast, The Contractor, with Edie Skeard who works in multiple mediums, including sound, drawing, digital media, performance, and installation. Of the many skills Edie wields is that of a contractor…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Seven
Advocacy, Artists in Saskatchewan, News, Uncategorized
Arts & Business & Sport...OH MY! Em Ironstar is joined by freelance journalist, writer, editor and theatre artist John Loeppky. John has an often brilliant and insightful take on many issues within the arts community - and often…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Six
Advocacy, Artists in Saskatchewan, News, Uncategorized"It's roundtable time!" - ASO Convergence
It's the first Arts Everywhere roundtable! In this episode, Em Ironstar is joined by
Taiwo Afolabi, Ariana Malthaner, Mark Claxton, and Lenore Maier who are all passionate about the work they…

Write your MLA: Increase arts spending now!
Advocacy, Events, News, UncategorizedBudget day is March 22, 2023.
The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance continues to remind the provincial government that the arts are still here and that the arts matter! We are asking our members and those in the arts community to write to their MLA,…

Senator Patricia Bovey in Regina
Advocacy, Events, News, UncategorizedDon't miss this opportunity! Senator Patricia Bovey will be in Regina to talk about Bill S-208, An Act respecting the Declaration on the Essential Role of Artists and Creative Expression in Canada.
The event being held by the Canadian Club…

Text of letter from Premier Wall to the SAA.
June 30, 2010
Cynthia Dyck
Saskatchewan Arts Alliance
205A -2314 11th Avenue
Dear Ms. Dyck:
Thank you for your letter of June 3, 2010, in which you express concern on behalf of the delegates of…

New Cultural Policy for Saskatchewan Released
UncategorizedMarch 17, 2010

2010 Arts Congress
UncategorizedRegistration Form

2010 Arts Congress
UncategorizedProfessional Artist Travel Bursary

A Message from the President
Dear SAA Members,
Introducing Your New Sask Arts Alliance Board
First let me say how honoured I am to be the newly elected President of the SAA. I look forward, along with my fellow board members, to work on your behalf.
SAA's new…