Best Practice Standards Project Now Online


The Best Practice Standards project seeks to develop a process that will encourage respectful and healthy relationships between Saskatchewan’s creators and producers of art and craft with their presenters and representation.

The Best Practice Standards project seeks to develop a process that will encourage respectful and healthy relationships between Saskatchewan's creators and producers of art and craft with their presenters and representation (galleries, dealers, curators, events and businesses) and to contribute to a sustainable Visual Arts and Craft Sector.

The project offers a viable opportunity to establish industry standards in an atmosphere of mutual respect and agreement. The resulting ethical and practical standards developed will provide guidance in areas where regulation and agreements do not exist. Ultimately, this project hopes to make our lives easier and to provide a basis for the future development of policy and legislation.

More information on the project is found at

Six draft Best Practice Standards documents have now been completed and can be reviewed at

Your input, comments and suggestions to any of the drafts are welcomed. Comments can be forwarded by email to, or you may wish to participate in one of the public meetings planned for January and February.

Public meetings (2009)

– Regina – Friday January 16 2:00-4:00 at the Art Gallery of Regina

– Moose Jaw – Thursday January 22, 3:00-5:00 in the Moose Jaw Art Gallery

– Saskatoon -Monday February 9, 2:00-4:00 at the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon.