• Arts Everywhere: Episode 36

    The Caswell Bus Barns project is an ambitious redevelopment initiative in Saskatoon, transforming the historic Saskatoon Transit facility into a vibrant mixed-use hub.

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  • 2025-26 Provincial Budget

    This year’s provincial budget again brings mixed news for the arts, culture, and creative industries in Saskatchewan. SK Arts received a 1.5% increase ($104,000) and Creative Saskatchewan saw an 11% decrease, a total reduction of $2 million.

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  • Join Us: Preventing Burnout Workshop

    This workshop will address burn out through a collective community based approach and will create space to discuss preventative system changes that can be made at an organizational level, rather than reactive individual responses.

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  • Arts for Change Conference

    This FREE gathering invites the Saskatchewan’s arts community to explore its role in addressing systemic racism and inequities while fostering meaningful diversity and equity.

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The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance (SAA) is an inclusive, member-driven coalition of arts organizations that provides a collective voice for the arts community of Saskatchewan.

In, ,

Art Works – On the Boards Staging Company

For over 20 years, the company has provided expertise and resources in the technical and administrative areas of production to help hundreds of independent artists and performer-producers stage their art. During the pandemic, however, cancellations have been the norm, and the Refinery space has been almost empty. Gallant-Morari’s concert had been cancelled twice before they finally pulled it off.

Inspiring Quotes

Jennifer McAllister, music educator

[Music] is good for us our whole life, so an investment in music education in young people is an investment in wellbeing for people for their whole life.

Albert Einstein

Life without music is inconceivable for me. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get most joy in life out of music.

Dr. Peter Gouzouasis, PHD. University of British Columbia

The more students study music, the better they do in Math, Science and English

Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver, PhD, cognitive neuroscientist

We now “get” that music is one of the major frontiers of science and medicine—we have plentiful evidence, and dedicated pioneers on the path to discovering WHY we need to keep music in our lives, in our schools, and in our centers for healing.

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Advocacy means supporting a cause or a proposal, something you believe in, especially the importance of an issue to decision-makers.

Jacqui Shumiatcher

Joe Fafard


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We are immensely grateful to be supported by our members.