Arts Everywhere: Episode Thirty-four

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person holding an open newspaper - the top of the paper is on fire

Your media diet with John Loeppky

The digital media landscape presents several challenges, including the overwhelming amount of information available, making it difficult  to discern reliable sources from misinformation. In this episode, journalist John Loeppky offers his thoughts on choosing sources wisely. Together with host Em Ironstar you’ll learn how to vary your own media diet and learn about some of the sources they have come to trust.

Relevant links:

John’s website:

Saskatchewan Centre for International Cooperation

Bill C18:

Briarpatch Independent Media Saskatchewan:

Canadian Media Guild:

Post Media:

The Flatlander:

Prairie Dog:

The Carillon:

The Sheaf:

Eagle Feather News:

Rest of the World Media:

The Disability Debrief:

Thank you to SaskCultureSKArts, and Sask Lotteries for your generous support.