SAA Bulletin – December 2007
December 2007
By now, most will have heard about the reorganization of departments under the new Saskatchewan Party Government and Premier Wall. The arts now fall under the expanded Ministry of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sports, with Hon. Christine Tell appointed as Minister. Ms. Tell is also responsible for the Capital City Commission that is to be established in Regina.
Formerly Chief Executive Officer of the Wascana Centre Authority, Mr. Van Isman assumes the position of Deputy Minister.
Ms. Nancy Martin has taken a one-year leave of absence from her position as Executive Director of OSAC to serve as Minister Tell’s Chief of Staff.
Minister Tell received a letter from Premier Wall outlining his expectations of her as Minister. As promised in the Saskatchewan Party’s election platform, the Minister is expected to deliver on the Government’s commitment to double funding for tourism and improve Saskatchewan’s parks.
For the arts sector, the Minister is to:
- “Support Saskatchewan’s provincial arts organizations
- Ensure that Saskatchewan’s arts and cultural organizations are part of efforts to promote
- Saskatchewan in the New West and across Canada
- Amend the Status of the Artist Act to:
- Protect intellectual property rights of artists that contract with the Government of Saskatchewan and its agencies;
- Require written contracts between engagers and professional artists.”
The arts will also have a place in the Minister’s mandate for tourism. The Minister is to:
- “Provide capital investment in ecological, paleontological, museum and heritage facilities;
- Provide improved and consistent signage promoting tourist attractions on Saskatchewan highways;
- Enhance strategic partnerships with urban and regional tourism organizations in the province;
- Support First Nations tourism initiatives;
- Work with the federal government to facilitate development of heritage attractions;
- Increase northern and eco-tourism;
- Provide greater support for event-hosting, and;
- Develop partnerships with other western provinces to promote joint tourism activities.”
As for parks, culture may have a role to play in the commitment to “improve park programming”.
The complete letter from Premier Wall to the Minister can be found at Mandate Letter.