SAA Bulletin – June 2017


In this issue…

  • A New Baby Boy!
  • SAA Membership Renewal Notice
  • Read This Month’s Op-Ed: What you’re erasing when you’re appropriating: A personal narrative
  • Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation Suspends Private Right-of-Action
  • Imagine Canada Survey
  • TechSoup – A Reminder
  • Saskatchewan Arts Alliance Board of Directors

A New Baby Boy!

Congratulations to our own Jessica Riess and her partner Mike Livingstone who had a baby boy on June 8th. Jessica will be on maternity leave until next year.

SAA Membership Renewal Notice

Watch for our renewal notices recently mailed to SAA members. Membership is open to all arts organizations, practicing artists, and individuals that support the SAA’s mandate. Add your voice to ours by becoming a member if you are not already one.

Read This Month’s Op-Ed: What you’re erasing when you’re appropriating: A personal narrative

In this month’s Op-Ed, writer Nickita Longman takes a personal look at appropriation and offers advice: “when non-Indigenous folks adapt our stories as their own.”

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation Suspends Private Right-of-Action

The Government of Canada is suspending the implementation of the “private right of action” in Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) in response to broad-based concerns raised by businesses, charities and the not-for-profit sector. The provisions would have allowed lawsuits to be filed against individuals and organizations for alleged violations of the legislation. The provisions were scheduled to come into force on July 1, 2017, but have now been suspended. The Government will ask a parliamentary committee to review the legislation, in keeping with the existing provisions of CASL. For more information see Imagine Canada’s news release.

Imagine Canada Survey

Imagine Canada is conducting a national survey to understand organizations’ experiences with the federal government’s Canada Summer Jobs program. The 5 minute survey is being undertaken as part of their ongoing research into barriers to youth employment in the charitable and non-profit sector. The research findings will inform policy solutions about this issue, as well as targeted recommendations on how the Canada Summer Jobs program can best meet the needs of charitable or non-profit organizations and lead to improved youth employment outcomes. The survey deadline is Friday, June 16 at 5 p.m. ET.

English-language survey link:

French-language survey link:

TechSoup – A Reminder

Do you know about TechSoup Canada and its technology donations program? Qualified charities, nonprofits and libraries can order donated and discounted software, such as Microsoft Office, Bitdefender Anti-virus and Shopify, for a very low administrative fee that is typically 90% less than the market value. For more information.

Saskatchewan Arts Alliance Board of Directors

Kelley Jo Burke – President

Marcus Miller – Vice President

Yvette Nolan – Treasurer

Joel Bernbaum – Secretary

James Hodges – Member at Large

Kaelen Klypak – Member at Large

Dr. Kathryn Ricketts – Member at Large

Leesa Streifler – Member at Large

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance is a non-profit coalition of arts organizations that provides a collective voice for the arts in Saskatchewan. Established in 1984, SAA advocates on issues such as public funding of the arts, freedom of expression and artists’ working conditions.