SAA Bulletin – March 2018
In this issue…
- SAA 2018 Arts Congress – Making Art in Dangerous Times
- National Trust for Canada – 2018 Budget response
- SAA Art Works – Filmpool’s Film Camp
- SAA Research Paper – When Artists Go to School
- SAA – new staff member
- Things We’ve Been Reading
- One Book One Province Month
- Saskatchewan Arts Board New Micro-Grant Program
- Copyright for Artists – Free CARFAC SASK Workshop
- Jimmie Durham: At the Center of the World
- Audiobooks Primer for Publishers – SaskBooks Workshop
- Research Fellowship Program
- Saskatchewan Fashion Week
- SAA Board of Directors
2018 Arts Congress: Making Art in Dangerous Times
May 4th & 5th in Saskatoon at Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre.
This biennial event brings together the provincial arts community to share ideas and to discuss critical issues facing the arts in Saskatchewan. Confirmed keynote speaker is Andrew Hunter, former curator of Canadian art for the Art Gallery of Ontario. “Hunter has been a leader in eroding traditional barriers, demanding marginalized histories take their rightful place alongside official versions. He championed Indigenous art, overseeing a reinstallation of the museum’s permanent Canadian collection that wove Indigenous art into the traditional display. He refused to see divisions between sectors of the art world siloed by haughty convention, and happily surrendered authority to voices unaccustomed to taking the lead.” As an independent artist and curator, Hunter has produced exhibitions and publications in Canada, the United States, England, China and Crotia, as well as co-founding the international creative research project DodoLab.
Canadian Arts Coalition – 2018 Budget response
What about Artists? The Canadian Arts Coalition (CAC) is surprised by Budget 2018’s oversight of artists. This budget focuses on women, Indigenous, and marginalized members of the Canadian society, which is commendable. Yet, if the goal was to highlight precarious workers, the federal government missed the opportunity to recognize the role that 650,000 cultural workers play in the Canadian economy. Read the full response here.
Art Works – Featuring the Filmpool’s Film Camp
This month the SAA highlights the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative in our Art Works series focusing on arts organization making positive impacts in their communities. The March article features the Filmpool’s Film Camp which will be held this year from July 9th to 13th in Regina. Go to the SAA website to check out the article written by Ken Wilson.
SAA Research Paper
When Artists and Teachers work together, the increased benefits for students is unmistakeable. See Dianne Warren’s new research paper – When Artists Go to School: Effective Teacher-Artist Partnerships in K-12 Schools is available on the SAA website.
SAA – new staff member
SAA would like to thank Donna Boyle for her time as Communications Officer. Donna has moved on to a full-time position and we wish her the best. SAA has hired Rob Bos as Communications Officer to cover the remainder of Jessica Reiss’s leave.
Things We’ve Been Reading
While researching at the SAA, we discover a lot of interesting information and we like to share some of it with you. For example…
Social Impacts and Benefits of Arts and Culture: A Literature Review from the Policy Research Group of the Department of Canadian Heritage (2016) by Marilyn Smith, Rebecca Fisher and Joelle Mader.
This literature review begins with an overview of key theories underlying and framing research in the area of social impacts of arts and culture. It continues by looking at frameworks for measuring social impacts from critical and practical perspectives. The review concludes with the observation that while there is evidence that the arts and culture have wide-ranging, positive social benefits, there is no consensus on how to measure these results.
SAA found this Canadian research highlighted via the Cultural Research Network (CRN). CRN is free and open to any self-identified cultural researcher. You can join the network at
One Book One Province Month
The Saskatchewan government proclaimed March 2018 as One Book One Province Month. Everyone is invited to read Out of Old Saskatchewan Kitchens, by Amy Jo Ehman, published by MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc. In this book you’ll discover Saskatchewan’s rich food and cultural history, and maybe a few new recipes too. Read together, cook together, get together! All Saskatchewan residents are encouraged to read and discuss the book, and to plan or attend a One Book One Province event. Information is available on the project web site at . Watch Facebook (One Book One Province Saskatchewan) and Twitter (@onebookSK) for updates and contests.
Saskatchewan Arts Board New Micro-Grant Program
Deadline is April 1st
The new Micro-Grant Program provides up to $1,000 for individual artists, or artist collaborations, and $2,000 for arts organizations. The first deadline will be April 1st with deadlines each month. With a simple application form and quick turnaround, this program responds to developing needs and opportunities, creates access for first-time and underserved applicants. Go to the Arts Board website for more information.
Copyright for Artists – CARFAC SASK Workshop
Saturday, March 10th, 1:00-3:30 pm at Mann Art Gallery, in Prince Albert
Copyright for visual artists is complex and can seem confusing. This free workshop, led by instructor Grant McConnell, outlines the fundamentals of copyright and best practices for its management in relation to your creative output. Please pre-register by calling 306-763-7080 or email
Jimmie Durham: At the Center of the World
March 25th – August 12 at the rRemai mModern in Saskatoon
Sunday, March 25th 2:00pm Curatorial Talk with Anne Ellegood
Organized by the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, Jimmie Durham: At the Center of the World provides a comprehensive overview of the artist’s expansive practice. It is also an exhibition that has sparked critical debates about identity, representation and appropriation—themes Durham’s work frequently contends with. Questions surrounding Durham’s ancestry have long circulated. This retrospective propelled those questions to a wider audience, prompting many new and critical perspectives. As the exhibition has travelled, first to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and then to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the discussion has continued to evolve, being shaped by diverse voices and contexts.
“For over 50 years, Jimmie Durham’s work has questioned the construction of knowledge, meaning and history. His work explores what it is to be a citizen of the world in the 20th and 21st centuries—a task full of conflict, uncertainty, contradiction and possibility.” Gregory Burke, Executive Director & CEO
Jimmie Durham, Head, 2006, wood, papier-mâché, hair, seashell, turquoise, metal tray.
Audiobooks Primer for Publishers – SaskBooks Workshop
March 26, 9-12 in Saskatoon – Registration link for Saskatoon
March 27, 9-12 in Regina – Registration link for Regina
SaskBooks is offering a professional development session in Saskatoon and Regina led by David Caron, president of ECW Press. Whether licensing titles to other publishers, or producing audiobooks yourself, this workshop gives you detailed information on how it’s done. Audiobooks Primer for Publishers covers working with authors, licensing publishers, narrators and studios, as well as marketing and distribution.
CIF launches new Online Grant Program
The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) new online grant program is now open. Applicants are strongly encouraged to create their new account well in advance of the April 1st deadline, as it may take up to 3 days to confirm.
The Community Grant Program provides grants to support programs and projects that fall within one of these three funding themes:
• Healthy growth and development of children and youth;
• Individual and community wellbeing;
• Nonprofit and community leadership.
CIF’s Community Grant Program guidelines and application have been updated. Before completing your grant application, read the updated guidelines found here.
Saskatchewan Fashion Week
May 10th-12th at The Soundstage in Regina
Saskatchewan Fashion Week (SFW) showcases a combination of artist collaborations, solo artists, fashion design, film and music. Applications are now available for designers, vendors, models, hairstylists, makeup artists and an indigenous bursary. Tickets online at
AA Board of Directors
Kathryn Ricketts– President
James Hodges – Vice President
Risa Payant – Treasurer
Kelley Jo Burke – Past President
Mary Blackstone – Member at Large
Daniel Parr – Member at Large
Karen Reynaud – Member at Large
The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance is a non-profit coalition of arts organizations that provides a collective voice for the arts in Saskatchewan. Formally established in 1986, SAA advocates on issues such as public funding of the arts, freedom of expression and artists’ working conditions.