Playwrights Guild of Canada


Playwrights Guild of Canada is a registered national arts service association mandated to advance the creative rights and interests of professional Canadian playwrights, promote Canadian plays nationally and internationally, and foster an active, evolving community of writers for the stage.

Playwrights Guild of Canada champions the role of the playwright in the creation of vibrant Canadian theatre.

PGC is an organization that:

  • Is inclusive and representative (geography, diverse backgrounds, age, stage of development, gender and sexual orientation);
  • Maintains the standards and practices of the profession;
  • Affirms the importance of playwriting as an art;
  • Safeguards freedom of expression in Canadian theatres;
  • Contributes to the development of the art form;
  • Strives to remain relevant within the larger community.
  • Brief Overview

PGC was established in 1972 as the Playwrights Co-op. The main purpose was to publish and distribute scripts to encourage more productions of Canadian plays. Since then, it has grown and now provides programs and services for playwrights across the country. The publishing imprint of PGC, Playwrights Canada Press, was incorporated as a for-profit publishing company in 2002.