Our Research and Reports

Research that is relevant and rigorous is critical for effective decision-making that advances the Saskatchewan arts sector. If the arts and artists in Saskatchewan are to achieve their potential and if we are to develop the policies, programs and resources to make that happen, then fundamental information and evidence specific to our province is needed.

If the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance doesn’t do the primary research to understand our own communities and the role of arts organizations and artists in them no one else will do it for us, answering why research has become increasingly important to SAA’s work.

Future Innovators: Developing Creativity Through K-12 Arts Education in Saskatchewan Schools

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By Dianne Warren. A Position Paper and Recommendations in Response to "Achieving Growth through Innovation: The Role of Arts Education in Supporting Economic Sustainability" by C. Brooke Dobni Commissioned by the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance.

Election ARTS: Platforms and Candidates

Election ARTS: Platforms and Candidates What makes you the best suited for the job of prime minister? For the last 10 weeks, Canada’s federal leaders have been interviewing for the nation’s top job. The Globe and mail asked the…

What is happening in Arts Education today? Initiatives at the local, national and international levels.

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Ann Kipling Brown reflects on the initiatives and developments in arts education at the local, national and international level.

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Saskatchewan Arts Alliance

Congress Bursary

The Saskatchewan Arts Alliance has a limited number of travel bursaries available to professional artists on a first-come first-served basis. Artists who are professional are eligible for travel bursaries to assist in out-of town travel…

From Policy to Action

An action plan by the Arts Community in response to the government's Pride of Saskatchewan policy document

Cultural Industries “Community of Interest” Consultation: Final Report

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This consultation report delves into the what "Community of Interest" designation means and how to administer it in a way that is best for arts communities.