What is educational “fair dealing” ? – Access Copyright



These new policies authorize and encourage copying based on a definition of “fair dealing” that is not supported by the law. Instead, they represent what some of the education sector’s lawyers and administrators would like the law to be.  Nothing in the new copyright act or recent Supreme Court decisions suggests that “fair dealing” for education extends to the deliberate, systematic copying of published content for aggregation and delivery to support student instruction. 

There is little doubt that the content and copyright landscapes are evolving.  Over the past decade educational copying has migrated away from central photocopying hubs towards convenient, digital file sharing. And factors like Open Access resources and library database subscriptions are a significant part of the mix today, though usage continues to extend well beyond these areas. 

– See more at: http://www.accesscopyright.ca/media/bulletins/what-is-educational-fair-dealing-video#sthash.rORXvYmD.dpuf   "