2005-06 Provincial Budget: Building for the Next Century

SAA Bulletin – March 2005

Hon. Harry Van Mulligen presented the 2005-06 Provincial Budget today. Below are extracts taken from the Estimates. The complete budget can be found at www.gov.sk.ca/finance/budget/default.htm.

In general, Culture, Youth and Recreation (CYR) received an increase of a bit more than $15 million. Areas receiving increases include:

  • $8.53 million (an increase of $8.28 million) to promote Saskatchewan?s centennial in 2005
  • $5.28 million to the Saskatchewan Arts Board, which includes the final $500,000 that was part of Government?s commitment announced three years ago
  • a one-time contribution of $405,000 to strengthen the Western Development Museum
  • an additional $4.7 million provided for the Film Employment Tax Credit Program, which reflects costs resulting from increased film production.

In a pre-budget briefing, Hon. Joan Beatty, Minister of CYR presented the Department?s Performance Plan which reflects the repositioning undertaken in the past year. Overall, the Department will focus on ?increasing participation of First Nations and Métis people in sport, recreation and culture; making sure Saskatchewan is a place where all people choose to live and work; and ensuring that the government is engaging youth in meaningful dialogue.?

The 05-06 Plan continues the direction of the 2004-05 plan with a new vision statement and goals and objectives revised to ?more clearly emphasize quality employment and entrepreneurship, accessible opportunities, economic benefits of cultural industries, knowledge and pride of Saskatchewan, life success, accountability and responsiveness, sustainable infrastructure and early experiences to build leadership.?

For the Culture and Heritage sectors, CYR?s role will be of policy, planning and stewardship. Regarding the lottery system and Community Initiatives Fund, the Department will ?ensure that the money distributed to organizations is responsive to the needs of Saskatchewan communities, supports sustainable systems and is accountable to the public.? This year the Department will complete a report on participation of First Nations and Métis children and youth in lottery-funded sport, culture and recreation. The report will include practical options to increase participation and an assessment of the Aboriginal Participation Initiative.

During the next year, the Department will participate in a national Stats Canada study to determine the economic impact of the culture sector. The study will establish benchmarks for future measurement.

The CYR Performance Plan is posted online at www.cyr.gov.sk.ca/assets/pdf/05-06 performance plan.pdf.

Arts Related Estimates With Comparison to 2004-05 Estimates (in thousands of dollars)

Culture, Youth and Recreation Estimates 2004-05 2005-06
Central Management and Services 4,239 6,851
Culture Operations Support 511 711
Centennial 2005 Office 250 8,529
Saskatchewan Arts Board 4,784 5,284
SaskFILM 900 900
Film Employment Tax Credit 4,200 8,900
Cultural Industries Development 300 300
Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts 425 425


Heritage Operations Support 1,199 1,319
Royal Saskatchewan Museum 1,715 1,733
Western Development Museum 2,415 2,820
Wanuskewin Heritage Park 500 500
Saskatchewan Science Centre 550 550
Saskatchewan Archives Board 3,367 3,372

Policy and Youth

Youth Services 249 335
Youth Employment 2,419 2,419
Lottery and Community Initiatives Stewardship 357 346
Premier?s Voluntary Sector Initiative 100 175
Community Initiatives Fund 7,786 5,800


Saskatchewan Communications Network 5,185 5,137


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